Bewirb dich jetzt!

Future SkillsSoft skills

Examples of courses

Examples of courses

Präsentation, Moderation & Kommunikation”

This training course covers the basic content for the preparation, structure and implementation of presentations and moderations. These include:

  • the moderation cycle
  • the role of the moderator
  • Tools for building and structuring
  • Dealing with stage fright and speech anxiety
  • Basics of group dynamics
  • Tips on the structure and design of presentations
  • Processing of open topics from the group of participants
Kommunikation & Verhandlung

What can and would I like to claim? How can I place my request in a meaningful way? How do I deal with resistance? These and other questions are the focus. The course mixes theoretical input and practical exercises – always geared to your personal needs. You learn

  • use your own needs as a guide for selecting suitable communication strategies
  • Get clarity about your goals
  • Apply methods to be able to act confidently in difficult conversations

How can I resolve conflicts well in a team?

The current and future world of work – whether remote, hybrid or in person – requires all those involved to have special skills in communication and dealing with conflicts. In this workshop, you will learn about everyday communication tools that make working life easier and that you can use directly in your everyday life. Using concrete case studies from you, we will work together in a confidential and humorous setting to find new solutions to conflicts and crises.

Ethical and social challenges of a datafied society

Increasingly, data is being collected on all aspects of our social lives, either specifically or as a by-product of socio-technical interactions. Using case studies, you will analyze how digital systems enable more participation and involvement, but can also lead to greater surveillance and control. We are interested in the discrimination potential of artificial intelligence and discuss how it can reinforce existing social inequalities or create new ones. Finally, we reflect on the role and social responsibility of those who design digital systems.

Resilienz & Ressourcenmanagement

Always with your nose to the wind and confident in stormy times. These are major challenges these days. To ensure that organizations and personalities maintain their inner resilience despite pressure and stress, the course deals with the following topics, among others:

Basic knowledge of project management

You will be specifically prepared for the basic certificate exam. This is based on the PM competence elements of NCB 3.0, on which the following content is based:

General project basics
Terms and definitions; project life cycle and project types; project profile; project management success; contract basics

Block II: Defining the project correctly
Project environment and stakeholder analysis; project objectives; risk management; project organization; communication; project launch

Block III: Planning the project correctly
Work breakdown structure; phase planning: project phases and milestones; scheduling and process planning; resource and resource planning; project costs: cost and financial planning; project kick-off; teamwork; quality control instruments

Block IV: Managing the project correctly
Project management and controlling: conducting status meetings, determining the current status, measuring progress; changes and change management; information and reporting; problem-solving methods

Diversity management

Diversity management means that you are aware of diversity, recognize it and include it. On this training day

  • you get important background knowledge
  • reflect on your personal view of diversity
  • learn how to create an open and appreciative organizational culture in your field of work
  • expands and consolidates their individual intercultural skills