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Why DMI?

5 reasons WHY THE DMI is a good idea

You are ready for the challenges of the future!

Our Future Skills courses are a truly unique selling point. Nowhere else in Germany will you gain so much insight into what IT specialists and managers will need to be able to do in the future during a Dual Master’s in Computer Science.

Your work is practice-oriented – even during your studies!

Bremen’s computer science degree courses have a specialty: project studies. Topics with strong practical relevance are worked on intensively in groups over a longer period of time.

You can specialize!

Do you want to specialize or even do a doctorate? At DMI, you can choose from four key areas:

  • Safety and quality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Media and Interaction
  • Visual and Medical Computing

You score points on the job market with multiple qualifications!

You do not necessarily have to have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science to complete the DMI. A related Bachelor’s degree program (e.g. math, systems engineering or media informatics) is also a suitable prerequisite. In this way, you can acquire a multiple qualification. This will set you apart from other Master’s graduates later on.

Experience shows that many of our DMI graduates are taken on directly by their practice company. Companies almost always support the dual Master’s degree with the desire to train young professionals for their own team.

Advantage for you: You will gain insights into the company during the DMI and start your professional life with a lot of previous experience. External applicants do not have this advantage.


Wer kann euch am besten erzählen, wie das DMI so abläuft? Genau! Ehemalige Studierende.

zu den Erfahrungsberichten


“Beginnt meine Arbeit beim Praxispartner zur gleichen Zeit wie mein erstes Semester?” “Wieviel verdiene ich?” “Hab ich noch genug Freizeit?” Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen rund ums DMI für dich beantwortet.